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Up to 12 CEUs


Presenter: Kathryn Janicek Productions


Month One - The JPG Public Speaking Curriculum

  • Session One: Friday, April 19th from 10:00-11:00 am CT 
    • JPG teaches Mesaging module 
  • Session Two: Friday, April 26th from 10:00-11:00 am CT 
    • JPG teaches the Voice and Body Language module 
  • Session Three: Friday, May 3rd from 10:00-11:00 am CT
    • JPG teaches the Mindset module

Months Two and Three - Group Coaching Sessions with the JPG team 

  • We will use these sessions for the trainees to practice their presentations, facilitate group discussion, and provide feedback to the trainees
    • We will incorporate:
      • Vocal and physical warm ups
      • Powerpoint best-practices
      • Wardrobe and appearance consulting 
      • Mindset techniques 





Outcomes of Expert Public Speaking and Presentation Training
● Build trust with audiences
● Speak with integrity, authority, and humanity—be seen, trusted, heard, and liked
● Present in a natural and compelling style
● Become memorable and viewed as a thought leader
● Get booked over and over again
● Perform calmly when faced with probing, persistent, and critical questions
● Use storytelling to make sure the message is memorable
● Receive reusable techniques to drive focused, impactful, and consistent messaging

What to Expect
Through personalized exercises, discussion, analysis, and practice, you will learn how to...
● Develop and deliver messages clearly, confidently, and succinctly
● Maximize strengths, minimize weaknesses, and present in an engaging way
● Perform with confidence when faced with persistent and critical questioning
● Deliver messages that land with authority

● Use stage performance techniques where appropriate (if needed) - blocking, using slides,
reading from the teleprompter, tossing to others gracefully, ad-libbing when others are
delayed/not prepared, managing the audience like a pro (and much more)
● Communicate through body language—a critical part of message retention
● Cut out distractions so your messaging is memorable and impactful
● Project an image that is trustworthy and memorable
● Create a bridge to stay on message
● Pivot to avoid answering questions you don’t want to address
● Use vocal delivery tricks that make you sound like the expert you are




Custom training intensive includes a speaking trainer, stylist, and videographer.
● Month One
○ Three Week Training Intensive includes:
■ How to prepare, perform your best, make your message stick with your audience, and be asked back (over and over again).
■ Building confidence whether on-air, on stage, or during any presentation.
■ Coaching to make sure audiences act.
■ Techniques to stay on message and pivot away from questions you don’t want to answer
■ Preparing physical appearance and vocal delivery for the camera and a live or online audience
■ Learning how to command a room and get results.
■ Body language/appearance coaching: 80% of what the audience retains is physical. If an expert does not have the appropriate physical appearance and vocal delivery, the audience does not
retain the message content.


Month Two
○ All month long: One-on-One Training/Personal Feedback using our software. This private artificial intelligence (AI) speech taping and coaching feedback creates confident experts who consistently nail their message.
■ Using our proprietary AI platform, leaders can upload videos of any speaking event (interviews, webinars, meetings, talks, panels, etc.), practice their speaking, and record it inside this private platform. Within two business days, your leaders will receive our actionable feedback to keep refining and improving their skills. This support lasts three months and can be extended.

○ Week One: Instruction by a professional videographer on how to properly position your camera, light yourself, and set up your virtual space for any online audience
○ Weeks Two and Three:
■ Group Practice/Training Live via Zoom
○ Access to all of our guides and methodologies (appearance, meetings, technology) to support your communications in-person and virtually and ensure your speakers are viewed as the authority in your industry.


● Month Three
○ All month long: One-on-One Training/Personal Feedback using our software. This private artificial intelligence (AI) speech taping and coaching feedback creates confident experts who consistently nail their message.
■ Using our proprietary AI platform, leaders can upload videos of any speaking event (interviews, webinars, meetings, talks, panels, etc.), practice their speaking, and record it inside this private platform. Within two business days, leaders will receive our actionable feedback to keep refining and improving their skills.
○ Week One: Wardrobe best practices, tips and tricks, and grooming techniques guided by a professional stylist to look and feel your best everywhere you present.
○ Weeks Two and Three:
■ Group Practice/Training Live via Zoom
○ Access to all of our guides and methodologies (appearance, meetings, technology) to support your communications in-person and virtually and ensure you are viewed as the authority in your industry.

Dominate Every Public Speaking Appearance

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